As we reported a while ago, Channel 4's Dispatches series is back with "Undercover Mosque: the Return". And it's on tonight.
Yesterday's Sunday Times has been previewing the programme, and tells us:
Women preachers are urging followers at one of Britain’s most influential mosques to kill homosexuals and view all non-Muslims as “vile”, according to a television documentary.
The London Central Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre, known as the Regent’s Park Mosque, is one of the most respected centres for moderate Islam in western Europe.
However, an undercover investigation by the Channel 4 Dispatches programme has found extremist preachers have held study circles there and are teaching followers a hardline version of the faith followed in Saudi Arabia, known as Wahhabism.
A female reporter infiltrated women's study circles for the programme. In one, a woman preacher using the name Umm Amira told followers, “We are not going to be like animals . . . or to be like the homosexuals, God save us from that, you understand? We have to take the judgement, the judgement is to kill them.”
Charming! But we shouldn't be surprised.