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Thursday, 24 July 2008

"Civil rights" group derides free expression

The latest to jump on the bandwagon of trying to outlaw criticism is a "civil rights" group in Spain, which, according to a story on the Catholic News Agency website, has filed a complaint because participants in Gay Pride "insulted" the Pope and cardinals and wore clerical-type garb.

The story tells us that has filed a complaint with the Spanish Attorney General because gays incited religious hatred on 5 July. It continues:

The gay pride parade, which took place in Madrid, is renowned not only for its graphic and violent displays of homosexual sex, but also for its open aggression against the Catholic faith. Many participants dress up in clerical or religious garb combined with sexual objects, and others carry signs that insult the Pope, the bishops and Catholics in general.

Aw, did little Catholics feel hurt, then? Is your ickle churchy-wurchy being cwiticised by those big bad perverts? Are they making fun, then? Diddums!